Egeli Law & Arbitration Office

The pirate season is on the go

Pirated book selling has started with the summer. Publishers Professional Association (YAYBIR) has started to his conflict with them by police escort in the seaside of mediterranean and aegean regions as every year.

Egeli Law Office started a campaign called as “YAYBIR conflict with pirated editions 2011 summer campaign” to monitor the pirated book sale and distribution points in holiday regions.

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6th National Publication Conference

6th National Publication Conference was held on 10th and 11th of May 2018 at Afyonkarahisar.
All publisher and author organizations and relevant ministry authorities attended the conference.
The statement of conference will be declared in the upcoming days. The freedom of publication, improvement of publishing,
recommendations on fixed book price, reducing the taxes, measures should be taken on fight against piracy were debated and
determined in the conference. Our managing partner Mr. Abdullah EGELİ attended the Conference as a member of Publishing Law and
Intellectual Rights Commission.